I am pretty sure I don't need to buy the kiddos new clothes for a while. They received mostly clothes and a few toys for Christmas which is perfect. Being that our house is a smaller 1904 Dutch Colonial we don't have room for big toys. They loved the Christmas lights most of all. I can hardly believe they are 5 months old today. Time has flown by!
I am a mom, a runner, a fitness enthusiast, and someone who loves to help people achieve their goals.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Spoiled kiddos
I am pretty sure I don't need to buy the kiddos new clothes for a while. They received mostly clothes and a few toys for Christmas which is perfect. Being that our house is a smaller 1904 Dutch Colonial we don't have room for big toys. They loved the Christmas lights most of all. I can hardly believe they are 5 months old today. Time has flown by!
Monday, December 20, 2010
I love lists

No really. I have a list for everything vacations, an ongoing Target list, and a daily to do list. There has been one big change to my lists in the last 5 months. Since the kids have joined us a short list that used to take 1/2 a day to complete now takes 2 weeks! I guess this is the craziness of motherhood. I will take a longer list any day for my two cuties.
On the kids front Danyal can now roll both ways and Sara is starting to roll from back to stomach. They both love to be held so they can stand but Sara is much better about holding her head up than Danyal. Then again the kid has a HUGE head. There must be a big brain in there.
Friday, November 19, 2010
I admit I love the Harry Potter books
More than that however, I love what the Harry Potter series has done. The series has created an entirely new world, encouraged kids and adults alike to read again, and created common ground at the dinner table. I have never seen a book series create such a frenzy. I admit, I was one of the "muggles" who would buy the book at midnight the day it was released. Given, I have always loved reading. On summer breaks I would read every book I could.
I hope someday my children will read the series and become as entranced as their parents did with the series. I cannot wait to go see the movie this morning with my two best ladies!
Thursday, November 18, 2010

My kids now giggle. Full on breakout laughing. Sara found the word vomit HILARIOUS the other day. I know she is young but she had just thrown up everywhere from her reflux. Danyal seems to enjoy trying to roll over and smack his sister. Let the fun begin!
I cannot believe both kids are teething. They seem so young but are doing most things early. I do have to admit I take them out far less since it is now flu season and they seem to pick up every illness near them. I know I cannot protect them forever but the first 6 months are crucial to preemies.
I am waiting to see how they react to a Christmas tree with blinking lights!
Monday, November 1, 2010
I love it!

Being a mom that is. There were some rough patches to say the least the first few months but oh how I love it. When the kids give you that big goofy smile as they see your face, or the talking, rolling over, all of it. Even with both kids having ear infections I still love it. I feel so bad for them but they are still so good.
Now if I can convince one of them to use the other swing. They both want the same swing, I see the future.
Monday, October 25, 2010
It's been a while

and I feel like my pregnancy is finally done! At 13 weeks postpartum I have answers odd ones. It appears I did not have retained placenta. No, that would be way to easy! I had "Subinvolution of the placental implantation site" ummmm ok. Trust me, trying to figure it out took a bit. I am just happy to feel "normal" again.
I am finally healthy and my baby girl is sick! My poor little peanut has an ear infection and a cold that she picked up. After a long screaming weekend I think we are just starting to improve...a tiny bit.
Danyal is now starting to nap! I cannot believe this change! He has slept 3 hours every afternoon which has been great. Even better he loves the cheap $5 swing I picked up at a MOM's garage sale. Sara has a little bit to go before she is big enough for the swing.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Problem solved...maybe
It was a rough weekend. I spent most of my time at my clinic or in the ER (both Saturday and Sunday). They couldn't find a way to stop the hemorrhaging so I ended up with a D&C (I hate this term). The Dr.'s think this will solve the problem as I had "retained products of conception" umm EWWWW. I am pretty lucky as most women end up losing their uterus or in a dire emergency. Luckily, we had been working on it together so long that when it got really bad I went right to the ER. So now 11 weeks later here is to hoping to returning to normal.
I figured I would add a few pictures of the adorable kids that made a 2nd surgery bearable, as they were at home waiting for me.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Postpartum wackiness
One would think once the kids arrive things would get back to normal. No bedrest, become active, etc. It appears once again I get to be a medical mystery for someone to solve.
My Dr. told me today she is now looking for Zebra's instead of Horses. She has looked for all normal causes for my "issues" and can find none, now we look at the weird options. What are my issues you may wonder. I am now 11 weeks postpartum and still hemorrhaging to the point of almost being hospitalized today. Luckily, I passed my blood test and was able to leave. They have had me take birth control pills 2 x a day, no luck. Now we are on Premarin for 14 days. I have had ultrasounds, CT's, exams, nothing turns up. My next options to see if it stops are a D&C or a Uterine Artery Embolization, or partial hysterectomy (last option). Two of these options would mean no more kids. I am so thankful we have two wonderful and healthy kids.
Here is to hoping for better test results next week. We were supposed to visit the in-laws but she may not let me go if this keeps up. I would love to be back to normal this is just all to weird.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Weigh in
The kids had their 2 month check up yesterday and they are doing great. Sara is now up to 8lbs 2oz and 20.5 inches and Danyal is up to 9 lbs 1 oz and 21.5 inches. The most distressing part of the appointment was when they had to get their shots. That was horrible! They seem to be doing much better now. You can really tell their eye colors apart with these two pictures!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Time Flies

when you are sleep deprived! So far the kids can smile and Danyal LOVES to talk while on his playmat. There are leaves on the playmat and today he talked to them for an hour. Not sure about what but it was cute. Sara smiles but she has to be in the right mood. Danyal has started to track my voice and follow me. It is odd that they are now so alert and awake at almost 7 weeks!
Both of the kids colic has calmed down a little since we figured out they are lactose intolerant, much like most of my relatives.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
It's been a while

I am still adjusting to the whole mom of twins thing. I find it sad and funny at the same time that on my to do list I actually have to put shower. When days like today happen, I understand why. It is now 7:34 pm and I am still in my PJ's. Oh yes, you read that correctly. I had two that would not be happy today. I feel bad for them with their colic, reflux, and gas issues. They just sound so miserable at times and it breaks my heart.
Now after being up since 4:30 a.m. I have finally showered..only to put PJ's back on.
Otherwise they are fantastic kids and I adore them. What can I say, they are mine. Danyal's eyes are so blue I love it! I could not have created two more different little people.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
So small but so thankful
The kids are gaining weight which is great. Sara was born at 4 lbs 15 oz and is up to 5 lbs 7 oz. Mr. Dino Danyal was born at 6 lbs and is now up to 6 lbs 7 oz.
I made the mistake while cleaning today and turned on Discovery Health. The show NCIU was on and they were showing twins that were born at 27 weeks and 32 weeks. After watching that I am so thankful that we made it to 38 weeks, even if Ms. Sara had to spend 8 hours in the Special Care Unit.
All that being said my kids are still so small when I look at other kids. I find them so precious being this small, well that and they are mine. Even if they don't let me sleep I cannot help but look at them and grin. My beautiful kids.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
I am not going to lie...
I am TIRED!! I mean really? Yesterday was a marathon crying session where they were both just unhappy for a long five hours! It can get to be exhausting especially when you put trying to comfort two kids, change two kids, feed two kids, and pump.
So far grandma and the best friend (auntie) have been lifesavers! Though I have to say Marathon Princess brought me some of the best sushi I have had in a long time!
I think the crying and sleepless nights have been easier than breastfeeding. It's not that we haven't had to work to get there, it is the whole supply issue ( trust me I have tried everything the LC and friends have told me too). Having to breastfeed each lil' peanut, then supplement with a bottle, then pump can turn into a 3 hour process with no rest.
Oh the fun days ahead, but then I look at the kids and think "Damn they're cute! I made them!"
Friday, August 6, 2010
So cute!
I cannot believe that on Monday the kids will be two weeks old. They are still pretty sleepy and we are working on fixing their nights and days.
I have to say how Sara came into this world...Shaking her fist. I ended up with a c-section, as they were about to make the incision on the uterus Sara's little fist broke through my uterus wall! I guess I was stretched to the max! I could hear the nurse saying "what do we do now?", my Dr. "we make the incision" Duh! I guess Sara will always be headstrong and lead in her own way.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Welcome Sara & Danyal

The babies have arrived! Everything went well as we could hope for and they came out a little smaller than we planned. For that reason I am thrilled that I made it to 38 weeks.
They are so different looking I cannot get over it! Sara has such dark black hair and weighed 5 lbs and was 19 inches long. Danyal has light brown hair and may end up with blue eyes yet. He weighed 6 lbs and was also 19 inches long. That was like having a toddler in my stomach!
I was amazed when I first saw them at how different they and how a person could love another little person right away. All I can say is wow!
Now if I can ever get their days and nights fixed that would be swell!
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