21 Day Fix

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Hills or hills? Preparation for Big Sur!

I made it! I did my first 10 mile race ever, but the hills!! I have no idea how I finished the race in under two hours with wind, mist, snow, and just overall weirdness but I am so glad I did. My running coach was totally right, just treat it as a training run and another twin mom said treat it as a long run with friends you don't know.

I changed up how I prepped pre-race vs last year since I am onto longer runs. I actually ate a normal meal at 4:45am of something that I have found that sticks with me and doesn't kill my GI or give me the shakes from lack of food.  I had a Hammer 30 minutes before the race and a Gu at 4 miles. I am glad I had the Gu when I did as the water tables that were supposed to be at mile 6 and 8 were not (more like 7 and 9).  I think somewhere around mile 7 very bad words were going through my mind such as "not another flipping hill!! come on!!"  I looked at the elevation change from my watch and phone and there probably 6 good hills during the race and they were not short. My knees and shins were screaming at the end but nothing compression socks and a hot shower don't fix after a long run.

I did learn one thing. A new spot for chaffing, OY! I thought I had all my bases covered and I missed one. Lesson learned pre half-marathon thank heavens.

It is a training run indeed. I know I have my first half-marathon in 2 weeks and I am less nervous for that now that I completed this....but I also signed up for the Big Sur 1/2 Marthon in November. That will be filled with hills. I am hoping for no snow in CA and a beautiful view while I run.

It was a new first while running today. The longest distance I have ever run. I don't care about my time just that I did it. I ran the whole darn thing. Yea! Now when will I feel like a real runner? I still feel like such a newbie with so many tricks and small secrets to learn. The hills made me feel like a new runner. Maybe that is what keeps all of us running, something that we can do a million times but one thing can change it up and make it feel new.

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