Friday, June 28, 2013

I needed something pink and nearing 3

I have finished my second physical therapy appointment. The verdict is still the same.

My appointments include pressure point torture (which I love), cold laser therapy, and k tape. Here is hoping the burning down my leg starts to lessen. I do love my pt lady. 

I have to say about 5 days ago Sara decided she was done with diapers. We have been working in potty training forever. She is even waking up dry from naps and over night. What's the difference? I just put her in big girl underwear. Now this weekend we will see if it works for danyal. 

I know I had goals for the kids by the end  of the year but they are doing amazing. So far they now
- drink out of big kid cups
- moved to big kid beds
- can eat at the table, not in a booster seat
- 1 kid totally potty trained 
- know numbers, letters, colors, shapes , and the alpha bit in more than 2 languages
- they hold my hand in public and not taking the stroller is now an option for short trips
- and they are so much better on jungle gyms, verbalizing their needs, and just becoming little people. Yikes!

The do grow up fast. Too fast some days. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Secondary issues

I finally saw a physical therapy person yesterday and my IT band is not the main issue. I also have bursitis in my hip (which is causing the IT band to be mad) and  a short leg again and the ball and joint aren't lines up in my hip. 

This lady pummeled my leg and my leg is purple in about 7 places today, and it feels wonderful! The whole time she was just grinding my leg I was smiling. She though it was funny how well I tolerated this as the guys are usually the worst and cannot take the pain. I know I have a high pain tolereance but I informed her I took no drugs after a c-section and she agrees, really high pain tolerance. In my behalf, my pregnancy was that uncomfortable that a c-section felt like nothing afterwards.

That being said, I will go in one more time this week, 2 x next week and then 1 x a week for 2 weeks.  Hoping to get it fixed fast.  No running for the next week, no stretching the glute, only strengthening the glute is allowed.  She adjusted my hips as well so my legs are the same length again. Here is to hoping for a permanent solution!

The kids had their first field trip. It made for an anxious mommy!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Would you like some pain with that run?

I am finally not sick *knock on wood* but my IT Band is no where need behaving. I hit the treadmill on Sunday as it won't stop raining and was planning a nice 9 mile run, even ordered a movie and BAM - 4 miles in IT band acts up. It got to the point I had to walk and even that didn't calm things down.

I have been living on my foam roller, Advil, tried a massage so tomorrow we start and a try a different route as my leg still is burning.  Tomorrow I am going to someone who a few runners are calling their miracle worker. Whether, it ends up being K tape, ART, or some other small form of torture I don't care. Just make it stop!!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Back to basics

I feel like illness just hasn't taken a break. Maybe it was the never ending winter turned into lots' o rain season.

I finally managed a 6  mile run again on Sunday.  A few days after the last half marathon (I let the IT band recover) I went out for a run. It seemed REALLY hard. I was totally confused. I knew I didn't have much sleep as both kids have had croup so I was managing about an hour of sleep a night.  I looked at my watch and Wow! My heart rate was 206. Even for me that is high.  Then I started wheezing like someone who has emphysema.  I decided a trip to my Dr. was in order. The verdict was bronchitis again! That is twice in 5 months. I have no idea how this has happened. I never get upper respiratory issues. I am hoping it was just a major lack of sleep.

Now to start running all over as after almost 2 weeks to recover each step feels really hard.

As for the kids they just amaze me. Right know they probably know 400-500 words in french and can put together some sentences pretty each.  We bought rosetta stone for the kids as we found a great deal. I love it, the kids think its a game! Danyal just wants to play "the french game".  These two know so much but I can really tell how different they are at this stage. Danyal is all boy and almost 3 year old tantrums (ugh), Sara is all about caring for her dolls and playing pretend.  I feel bad for her at times as she just wants to be near Danyal and he is a kid who needs his space and alone time.

It should be interesting to see how they change this next year.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Another round of fun

No racing for me. Today is suppposed to be one of the first nice days in a long time and I am only doing packet pick up.

I managed to run 3 miles yesterday but was wheezing so bad and my chest hurt so bad I went to the Dr.  Bronchitis for the 2nd time this year and another ear infection for me. I have had bronchitis maybe once or twice before this. Wow, my kids really do bring home every germ.

On the plus side I managed to get the smell out of my car.  The funny part today was danyal said "I don't want to sit there the ishy's were all over my chair yesterday. Sara can sit there!" Well played buddy.

Friday, June 7, 2013

An overdue recap

This past weekend I ran my 2nd half marathon. I have to say it was better than the first for the fact that I was able to run the whole thing.  It was a beautiful cool morning which really helped. I think somewhere around mile 11 my IT band started to flare. I had never known what IT band pain was before, ouch!

I eventually figured out what triggered it was running the last 1 1/2-2 miles on cobblestone. I still baby my right foot and I am sure that is why it flared.  It is finally healed now.

During the race I lost 8 minutes to a porta-john stop. I know the lines ususally taper down after mile 6, I waited until mile 10 and I still lost 8 minutes to waiting in a line! So frustrating.

As for the kids, Sara has had croup for the last week and is finally better. Danyal initiated my car yesterday and it smells awful! And now I have whatever they have.

I am supposed to race a 10K tomorrow and am going to go down to the 5K just to make sure my IT band is good.

I am still waiting for spring.  This is awful! I am still wearing socks and shoes when I should be in sandals!