Tuesday, July 10, 2012

My subconscious is at work

Our friends son dying has really kicked my mommy brain into motion.  I have always been a person who remembers their dreams, sleep walks, sleep talks, and if I have nightmares, unfortunately I vividly remember them. 

The recent events have really kicked my brain into working overtime at night to think about these things as a mom.  As a result my sleep has been awful to say the least.  I have been having nightmares that bad things have happened to people I love and I have been up more than a few times at night to check on the kids.  One night I found Sara with a pillow over her face.  When I tool it off she put it back on her head.  She is SO my daughter. 

On a better note all of the weird events have had me running more often and longer distances. I do my best brain organizing when I run.  Now if only I could write my paper in my head on my next run. I have a team race this Sunday with some old and new friends.  It should be a good time.  

Now off to try and do the dishes.  It appears the anti-napper is back.  We are on an hour and Danyal is still talking. This seems to be happening more often. I guess my sanity breaks are nearing the end.  Sara on the other hand (the previous anti-napper) is now napping for an hour and a half.  I guess you can't win them all. 

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