Thursday, August 16, 2012

Getting closer

Well at least the poor guy doesn't have a fever and finally ate something..barely but still. It's food.  Last night was a long night again with buddies up every 45 minutes.  This reminded me of what it was like the first 6 weeks with the kids, they were up every 30 minutes!

I have to say I love summer, however for once I am ready for the fall. I am ready to run outside in cool weather, put on warm sweaters and Halloween.  I mean really? Forget Christmas, it's all about Halloween for me.  I haven't started to think about the kids costumes but I should.

I meant to run today but after last night I opted to black out for 2 hours and take a nap, and buddies even napped for once and didn't wake up crying.  To top it off he is speaking in his normal very wordy sentences so I feel better.  Hopefully tomorrow I will find a little time to get in five miles and call the week done.  Even I feel awful.  Everyone in our house has a portion of what Danyal has. I have the fever, chills, headache, my husband has the rash, and Sara had the fever and that was it.

Here is to hoping for a better weekend and finishing this darn paper someday! Now off to try and sleep for an hour before he gets up. The routing has been he starts to get up at 9:45pm. Playing the piano has been the only thing that makes them happy. :)

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