Thursday, November 29, 2012

Finding Routine

I think this is the hardest thing I struggle with as it seems to be always changing, due to school, the kids, sleeping, when the kids are sick, a whole host of things. 

Now that I have finished my thesis and will be presenting it I feel like I can finally start to work out again. So far this week I have had 2 training appointments and I forgot how good I feel afterwards.  2 months of no personal training was enough to break the routine I had built.  I am really focusing in December on getting in 2 training appointments a week with 2 runs a week.  I feel just blah.  

To help get the motivation going I am starting to set up and look at races for 2013.  I am hoping to do more of a variety this year 5K, 7K, 10K and a few half marathons in the year.  

Here is to hoping to a relaxing December and getting back to a routine.

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