Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Half marathon week 3 and the rolling stones

Week 3 was tough. I did my longest run ever to date at 9 miles and wow.  It tells me I am closer to that 13.1 goal.  The hills were better this week and the easy run have become short :( I was starting to really feel all the improvement.

Then the "flu" hit.  I found out it wasn't the flu.  After being in such severe pain the last few days and unable to almost change Dino's diaper I was in so much pain I finally went to the Dr.  When I am only able to lay in the fetal position you know things are not good, and moms don't get sick days.  The prognosis was what I had figured out, Kidney stones, and kidney infection.  Ugh! Now if you are wondering how I could mistake the flu for kidney stones they mimick each other pretty well.  What tipped me off finally was I felt less nausea and the back pain just got worse.  Both issues have can have the same signs and symptoms - nausea, vomiting, fever, sweats, cramping, pain, fever, muscle aches. Sounds like the flu right? Add in the kidney infection and you have a an exact replica of the flu but with way more pain. 

So today after an x-ray and CT scan we opted for the wait it out.  I have had this issue before and had a lithotripsy done. That is almost more painful than a kidney stone.  Luckily, I have a Dr. who gets how painful these are and will actually give you something more than advil.  As 3 days on advil did nothing for pain.  Now, if you ever wonder what a stone feels like just keep this in mind: I would rather give birth again than have another stone or imagine Freddy Krueger running though your veins and bladder with his fingers out.  That is what it feels like.  And now back to try and find comfort and hoping I will be running by mid-week. This will not sidetrack my training it will just give me a boost. I am already ready to be back out running, when I can stand up :)

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