Wednesday, May 1, 2013

1/2 Marathon Monday week!!

The half marathon is in 6 days. I would say I am nervous but I think at this point it is more excited and I actually feel ready. I feel like I have come so far in 10 weeks. 10 weeks! It is such a short time, but such a long time. Through illnesses that seemed to last a month and having to skip runs.  It is just a crazy thing but I feel like I am at a great point.

I really have gotten to the point where I finally feel like I found my life long sport. It used to be dance but that is to hard to do as one gets older and has kids. I feel like with running I am showing the kids a healthy lifestyle.  I have gotten the bug so bad that I am signing on to start MARATHON training. OMG WTH! I still find this amazing considering I was told I would never run like this again. I disagree with the doctors and I think if you run smart and listen to you body you can. I know when I need to take an extra day off or just back off and do an easy run instead of hills. I think that is why this training has worked so well for me. I know my distances and I can shuffle them through the week to make it work.

Tonights run was amazing! I was told by a very smart running coach once "work on distance and the speed will come."  Tonight the proof was in the run.  5 miles in under 51 minutes! This is a total new first for me. I could have pushed it more but it was supposed to be an easy run. So for my next task, more distance, a marathon, and trying to get a 10K in an hour or under this year.

It's official. I love running and I am one of THOSE people now. I even have all my race bibs together. Next to get a medal tree or rack :)

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