21 Day Fix

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A year later and flare ups

It has been a year since the hysterectomy and most of it has been wonderful.  I mean for the most part I have lived pain free and even ran a great sub 11 min mile today.  For those reasons I feel great and I will never regret my decision. I made my choice to live pain free after 15 years of hell.  Now, she did warn me the endometriosis could return, I might still get a period, and that we may have to do more surgery, and that all of this is rare and happens in less than 5% of people.  The last year has told me that I am in the minority and almost all of it has happened to me.

Since the surgery I still have a period and no uterus.  Can someone please explain to me how this happens? I still also have pain, but it is random and has no reason.  It can be 1 day a month, no pain for 3 months.  I can live with this as it isn't chronic and everyday like it was.  Today was one day where I wondered if there was an alien in my stomach. Since the surgery it is probably the worst pain I have had and it took most of the day to get rid of it. My BFF and I are totally puzzled by this, hence the alien in the stomach theory.

I will take what I have now and do no more surgeries, pills, shots, or any other crazy treatment.  The last year has made me feel alive and normal again.  I just need to accept I will have some random weird pain and deal with it.  Oddly, I had crazy back pain with all of it today and the only thing to help was running. I guess I have found what works for me.

On a random note danyal has two new songs he loves to sing. Jingle bells and then "you can't always get what you wantttttt". It is so cute I die laughing each time!

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